
The benefits of double glazed windows

The benefits of double glazed windows. When building your new home, one of the most exciting benefits is you can custom your home, make it more energy efficient and function to suit your every day needs. One feature that offers many great benefits to your home are double glazed windows. In this market insight we summarise some of them for you, as may want to consider having them in the future. What are...


Great investor quotes

Great investor quotes. Certainly, there are many famous quotes from successful investors that offer valuable insights into the world of investing. Here are some timeless great investor quotes from renowned investors: Warren Buffett: "The stock market is designed to transfer money from the Active to the Patient." Peter Lynch: "The best investment you can make...

What to know when moving to a new suburb

Moving to a new suburb can be an exciting but challenging experience. It's essential to prepare and gather information to make the transition smoother. Here are some things to know and consider when moving to a new suburb: Research the Suburb: Learn about the suburb's demographics, crime rates, and safety. Investigate the local economy, job opportunities, and the cost of living....

Understanding floor plans

Understanding floor plans aren't always easy, particularly if you don't work in real estate. Viewing a floor plan and selecting the right one can be difficult if you can't visualise how it will look when it's finished building.At Crest Property Investments, we are buyers agents who aim to simplify the buying process, including finding it, negotiating price and presenting a solution that is right for you....

Seven-star energy rating for new homes

Seven-star energy rating for new homes. The Victorian Government recently announced a set of new building standard that are to take into effect from 1st October 2023 with a transition strategy to occur from 1st May 2023. These new changes will mean, new home owners will find it cheaper to heat and cool your property all year round. It is anticipated to be more comfortable to occupy, particularly against...


Picking the best apartment in a development

Picking the best apartment in a development. Apartment living is a popular way for many Australians to occupy blue chip suburbs or inner city locations without paying the price of a stand alone house. When looking to purchasing an apartment in a development, you'll soon discover that not all apartments are created equal. Some are shaped differently, others may be larger, some feature a courtyard...


Current tapware trends

Current tapware trends in 2022. When buying off the plan, one of the great benefits is having the ability to select your own fixture and fittings. One area that many buyers like to customise to their home are the tapware fittings in both the bathrooms and kitchens. Tapware can really offer a sophisticated look to you bathroom and kitchen. It becomes a focal point of the room. Choosing the right tapware...

Pre settlement inspection

Pre settlement inspection. When buying a property off the plan, you have a contractual right to take a look at what you've purchased before you exchange the purchase at settlement. What is a pre settlement inspection? The pre-settlement inspection is your opportunity to take a look at the newly completed property before you own it and accept they keys. It is your legal right as a purchaser to check the...

Unexpected costs when buying your first home

Unexpected costs when buying your first home. Once you've found a property you can afford, it can be easy to miss many other costs associated to buying or holding a property. In this market insight we share some cost to look out for before committing to your purchase. Council and water rates Once you own the property, you'll need to pay council and water rates. Generally payable on a...

Will working from home change floor plans?

Will working from home change floor plans? The global pandemic (AKA covid-19) has caused inevitable change in the way we socialise, relax and work. It has no doubt changed our lives forever and we either learn from it or we get stuck in the now. In this market insight, we discuss how working from home may become the norm for many years or even decades to come. The days of a corporate office may never be...

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