Benefits of double glazed windows

Double glazed windows have become more widely used for a number of reasons. In this market insight we explain what they actually are and how they benefit your home.

What are double glazed windows?

Double-glazed windows layer two planes of glass to make a single window but leave a small gap between each. The gap is usually about 12mm in width, which in the scheme of things seems quite small. This small space between the windows effectively reduces the movement of cold or heat coming through to the home.

This small gap is called the spacer and is generally only around 12 mm in width. By separating the two planes of glass, the spacer ends up reducing the transfer of heat or cold from the outside as well as noise. 

There is more to this form of technology, but it can really help maintain your home’s temperature all year round. Obviously summer and winter witness stronger weather patterns, so you’ll learn to appreciate double-glazed windows more when living in those changing climates.

What are the benefits of double-glazed windows

  • Increased insulation – As noted above, double-glazed windows can reduce the inflow of heat in the summer while holing more heat in winter by reducing the cold air in flow.
  • Increased sustainability – The increased sustainability is one of the major reasons why we are seeing them in more homes.
  • Noise control – As the double-glazed windows have a spacer of 12mm, it not only reduces the temperature flow, it also reduces sound. Homes that are closer to main roads or train lines highly benefit from having them installed.
  • Reduced utility bills – The energy bills are lower. Given that it provides a more consistent temperature within the home, you’ll likely not use the heating or cooling systems as often.
  • Improved comfort – With increased insulation and reduced noise control, the flow on effect for people within the home, its that it offers improved comfort.

What to do next?

Living in comfort with the awareness of being more sustainable is evolving in the Australian property market. When buying a new home, there are many excellent inclusions that are seeing properties hold seven-star ratings with better heating and cooling, being more water efficient, installing solar panels and double-glazed windows.

If you’d like to learn more about building a new home, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would welcome the opportunity to help. Our YouTube channel and Market Insights also provide a wealth of information to assist you with many areas relating to property.

While we have taken care to ensure the information above is true and correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances and legislation after the displayed date may impact the accuracy of this article. If you want to learn more please contact us. We welcome the opportunity to assist you.

March 2024

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