Sustainable living


Sustainable living has been well received for many years. Many new home designs are placing much more focus on sustainable living to compliment the functionality of a home. At Crest Property Investments, we are very excited witness the evolvement of this and look forward to further change in the coming years ahead.

In this market insight we share some simple tips that are very effective all year round in improving your suitable living arrangements at home.

Electricity consumption

Back in 2017, Victoria’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions was electricity. It was generating a whopping 51% of the total greenhouse gas emissions. Over the last 5-6 years, its notably decreased but still remains amongst the highest. As we enter the winter season, undoubtedly we all want to keep our homes warm, but here are a few tips that can reduce your electricity consumption.

  • Open your blinds each morning when you wake up. Try to use as much natural light during the day so you are not so reliant on electric heating systems or lighting. As you enter twilight and into the later evening, try to remember to turn off the lights when you are not in that room anymore.
  • I know many don’t like wearing layers of clothing, but an layer of clothing will have you not needing the heater on as much or as high. If you are winding down watching television, try bringing out a blanket on the couch.
  • When going to bed, switching off or unplug any devices that you are no longer using is also an efficient way to a better sustainable living home.

Food wastage

It has been well reported that many Australians waste food unnecessarily. It can be difficult with the children, especially when they get picky with their taste buds, but here are a few tips.

  • Install a compost in your back yard and start to dispose your left over produce. This will improve the structure and health of your soil and reduce erosion. It also helps the soil retain moisture & nutrients while attracting beneficial organisms to the soil and reducing the need for pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Try to plan your weekly food shopping so you cook the right amount for your household. This will reduce the food wastage.
  • Certain foods may also be offered to your local wildlife. If you are not going to eat it, maybe someone else will.

The magic four ‘Rs’ (reduce, reuse, refuse, recycle)

Adopting the four ‘Rs’ will help lower your environmental impact. Did you know rubber takes about 70 years and a plastic holders can take up to 500 years to decompose. That is such an alarming stat that can be significantly reduced. What can you do?

  • The local councils often needs help cleaning up. Schools, community centres and various not-for-profit organisations can make a big difference in your area.
  • Refuse items that can only be used once such as plastic bags, plastic water bottles and disposable coffee cups. If you are computer savvy, try to have your bills and mail paperless, by having them emailed to you instead.
  • The old saying ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Take any reusable items to a charity shop or sell them online. This is a much more environmental way of living over dumping it in your bin for the garbage truck to collect.

There are many opportunities to improve your sustainable living habits at home or on the road. Many new modern home designs are making it easier than ever with the implementation of solar panels, open floor plans with bigger windows, more energy efficient kitchen appliances and better home insulation. Try your best and see if it also save you more money too!

If you’d like to learn more about property and lifestyle, please feel free to look us up on our website. Our YouTube channel and Market Insights also provide a wealth of information to assist you with many areas relating to property.

While we have taken care to ensure the information above is true and correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances and legislation after the displayed date may impact the accuracy of this article. If you want to learn more, please contact us. We welcome the opportunity to assist you.

June 2023

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